Watches: Time stops him - Nicolas G. Hayek 1928–2010


"Communiqué Breguet :
L'Abbaye, June 28th 2010.
It is with deep sadness and regret that Montres Breguet announces the passing of its President and CEO, Mr. Nicolas Georges Hayek, due to heart failure during work at Swatch Group.
Since 1999, Nicolas G. Hayek was personally involved in the daily management of Breguet, raising the brand to unprecedented heights. Today, the entire Breguet personnel is extremely sad to have lost their dear and profoundly esteemed President. All are proud to have known him and will make it a point of honour to pursue the path traced by this great visionary.
Communiqué Swatch Group :
Biel/Bienne, 28 June 2010 - With deep sadness and regret we inform you that Mr. Nicolas G. Hayek, Chairman and Delegate of the Board of Directors of The Swatch Group Ltd. unexpectedly passed away today due to heart failure during work at his beloved Swatch Group.
Mr. Nicolas G. Hayek's greatest merit was his enormous contribution to the saving of the Swiss watch industry and the foundation and the commercial development of the Swatch Group. Mr. Nicolas G. Hayek's extraordinary vision enabled him to realize and ensure the sustainability of a strong watchmaking enterprise with high Swiss added value. He is rightly recognized as a leading entrepreneur in this country.
With the right personnel decisions, Mr. Nicolas G. Hayek also ensured that his ideas and beliefs will live on and that continuity is guaranteed in regard of shareholders, Board of Directors and the Group Management Board."

The death of Nicolas Hayek this week is the passing of a legend. He will forever be credited with engineering the rebirth of the Swiss watch industry. He had his admirers and detractors as a dynamic entrepreneur, but he undeniably possessed a gift for envisioning possibilities in products that others would never even consider. There is a lot of news about Hayek, we prefer use the oficial text from Breguet, his prefered brand. Marc


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