Guns: Walther P99 Pistol

Walther P99c AS, model 2012.

Watches: Rolex Milgauss

The Rolex Oyster Perpetual Milgauss is a highly collectible model introduced by Rolex in 1956 with the model number 6451. The Milgauss was designed as an antimagnetic watch specifically for those who worked in power plants, medical facilities and research labs like those in Geneva where electromagnetic fields can cause havoc with the timing of a watch.

The current model Milgauss is equipped with amagnetic alloy (Parachrom-Blu) hairspring and movement encased by a Faraday cage.

The name Milgauss is derived from the Latin mille, which means one-thousand, and gauss, the unit of a magnetic field. This model is so named because it can withstand a magnetic flux density of 1,000 gauss.

The original Milgauss was very similar to the appearance of the Rolex Submariner, with an over-sized case and bezel, with the Twinlock crown, and a riveted Oyster bracelet. Although the Milgauss only went through two different models (6541, 1019) the Milgauss went through numerous configuration changes before being discontinued in 1988.

In 2007, Rolex brought back the Milgauss after nearly two decades as the model number 116400. There are currently three versions: white dial or black dial with a standard colorless sapphire crystal, and the GV (Glace Verte) or "Anniversary" model, with black dial of a slightly different design and a green-tinted sapphire crystal. The GV is the only Rolex produced with a tinted crystal.

Rolex Milgauss Vintage 1019, 1967.

Rolex Milgauss, 1959.
Rolex Milgauss Bamford Fragment
Rolex Milgauss Green Sapphire, 2010.

Photograph: Willy Rizzo

Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Cardin, Paris, 1965.

Salvador Dali, 1950.

Gabrielle Bonheuer Chanel, Paris, Tuileries, 1959.

Christian Dior, Atelier Dior, 1947.

Photograph: Hemingway and Castro in Cuba

Ernest Hemingway and Fidel Castro in Havana, Cuba, 1959

Floridita and famous daiquiri.
Classic Daiquiri recipe:

2 oz. white rum
1 oz. fresh lime juice
1/2 oz. simple syrup
Ice cubes
Tools: shaker, strainer
Glass: cocktail

Shake ingredients and strain into a chilled glass.

Guns: Main Calibers for handguns

.50 Action Express,   .44 Magnum,  .357 Gagnum,   .45 ACP, .40 S&W, 9mm Luger Parabellum, 22 Long

Anatomia Gray - Subluxação Vertebral e Mapa Neural

"O sistema nervoso controla todos os órgãos do corpo humano, o médico do futuro buscará na coluna o tratamento e a prevenção das doenças." (Hipócrates)

Anatomia Gray

Victor Hugo: "L’Avenir" 1867

Victor Hugo reprend la mission révolutionnaire de la France qui est chargée d’apporter la liberté à l’Europe et au monde entier.  Le prophète n’est pas seulement celui qui lit dans le futur.  Il est aussi le représentant de la parole qui fait advenir. Voir Les parties suivantes du texte prophétique écrit en 1867. 

Victor Hugo: "L’Avenir"

"Au vingtième siècle, il y aura une nation extraordinaire. Cette nation sera grande, ce qui ne l’empêchera pas d’être libre. Elle sera illustre, riche, pensante, pacifique, cordiale au reste de l’humanité. Elle aura la gravité douce d’une aînée. Elle s’étonnera de la gloire des projectiles coniques, et elle aura quelque peine à faire la différence entre un général d’armée et un boucher ; la pourpre de l’un ne lui semblera pas très distincte du rouge de l’autre. Une bataille entre Italiens et Allemands, entre Anglais et Russes, entre Prussiens et Français, lui apparaîtra comme nous apparaît une bataille entre Picards et Bourguignons.... Elle sera plus que nation, elle sera civilisation ; elle sera mieux que civilisation, elle sera famille. Unité de langue, unité de monnaie, unité de mètre, unité de méridien, unité de code ; la circulation fiduciaire à son plus haut degré ; le papier-monnaie à coupon faisant un rentier de quiconque a vingt francs dans son gousset ; une incalculable plus-value résultant de l’abolition des parasitismes ; plus d’oisiveté l’arme au bras ; la gigantesque dépense des guérites supprimée; ... l’idée de domesticité purgée de l’idée de servitude ; l’égalité sortant toute construite de l’instruction gratuite et obligatoire ; l’égout remplacé par le drainage ; le châtiment remplacé par l’enseignement ; la prison transfigurée en école ; l’ignorance, qui est la suprême indigence, abolie ; l’homme qui ne sait pas lire aussi rare que l’aveugle-né ; le jus contra legem compris ; la politique résorbée par la science, la simplification des antagonismes produisant la simplification des événements eux-mêmes ; le côté factice des faits s’éliminant ; pour loi, l’incontestable, pour unique sénat, l’institut. Le gouvernement restreint à cette vigilance considérable, la voirie, laquelle a deux nécessités, circulation et sécurité, l’État n’intervenant jamais que pour offrir gratuitement le patron et l’épure. Concurrence absolue des à-peu-près en présence du type, marquant l’étiage du progrès. Nulle part l’entrave, partout la norme. Le collège normal, l’atelier normal, l’entrepôt normal, la boutique normale, la ferme normale, le théâtre normal, la publicité normale, et à côté la liberté. La liberté du cœur humain respectée au même titre que la liberté de l’esprit humain, aimer étant aussi sacré que penser. Une vaste marche en avant de la foule Idée conduite par l’esprit Légion. La circulation décuplée ayant pour résultat la production et la consommation centuplées ; la multiplication de pains, de miracle, devenue réalité ; les cours d’eau endigués, ce qui empêchera les inondations, et empoissonnés, ce qui produira la vie à bas prix ; l’industrie engendrant l’industrie, les bras appelant les bras, l’œuvre faite se ramifiant en innombrables œuvres à faire, un perpétuel recommencement sorti d’un perpétuel achèvement, et, en tout lieu, à toute heure, sous la hache féconde du progrès, l’admirable renaissance des têtes de l’hydre sainte du travail. Pour guerre l’émulation. L’émeute des intelligences vers l’aurore. L’impatience du bien gourmandant les lenteurs et les timidités. Toute autre colère disparue. Un peuple fouillant les flancs de la nuit et opérant, au profit du genre humain, une immense extraction de clarté. Voilà quelle sera cette nation.
Cette nation aura pour capitale Paris, et ne s’appellera point la France ; elle s’appellera l’Europe.
Elle s’appellera l’Europe au vingtième siècle, et, aux siècles suivants, plus transfigurée encore, elle s’appellera l’Humanité."

1889 Exposition Universelle de Paris
Victor Hugo, Introduction au Paris-guide de l’exposition universelle de 1869.
Paris : Librairie internationale, 1867 : Chapitre I "L’Avenir".

Sede Mundial da BMW em Munique, Alemanha

A imponente sede da BMW, localizada perto da Vila Olímpica de Munique, capital da Baviera, é um enorme complexo que chama a atenção por um edifício original, conhecido como BMW Tower e chamado oficialmente de BMW-verwaltungsgebäude, com quatro marcantes torres cilíndricas contemporâneas, que pretendem simbolizar “prosperidade, autonomia e perfeição técnica com um toque de utopia”. A sede mundial da BMW, projetada pelo arquiteto Karl Schwanzer, ficou pronta, por fora, em 1972, após quatros anos de construção, para os Jogos Olímpicos que se realizaram naquele ano em Munique. Somente no ano seguinte os funcionários se mudaram para lá.

BMW Tower em Munique
O complexo é composto ainda por um enorme e completo museu (inaugurado em 1973) cujo acervo é composto por 326 carros históricos da marca e uma sala de cinema com capacidades para 100 pessoas onde são exibidos filmes que contam a trajetória da montadora. Dentro do prédio redondo as rampas e escadas rolantes conduzem o visitante a viajar pelos mais de 90 anos de história da marca. O prédio é dividido em sete áreas temáticas de exibição, como oHouse of Design, que apresenta os visitantes ao espírito BMW, mostrando o processo de inspiração dos designers e os métodos de criação da imagem da marca; o House of the Company, que apresenta as origens e a evolução da BMW; ou o House of Motor Sport, ala esportiva que relembra as inúmeras glórias conquistadas nas competições de automobilismo. O museu ainda oferece aos visitantes a possibilidade de conhecer clássicos da montadora como os modelos Roadster, os Serie 3, 5, 6 e 7, e apresenta as máquinas do futuro, como os visionários carros-conceito movidos a hidrogênio.

BMW Welt, com fábrica, museu e BMW Tower ao fundo.
Á poucos metros do complexo está localizado o Centro de Pesquisas e Inovação da montadora. Entrar neste setor sem ser convidado é tão difícil quanto pronunciar o nome desse departamento sem saber falar alemão. O Forschungs und Innovationszentrum (FIZ) é o centro nervoso de todo o desenvolvimento do grupo BMW. Em seus prédios geminados estão guardados os segredos dos futuros projetos das marcas BMW, Mini e Rolls-Royce. Nele trabalham cerca de 8.500 especialistas das mais diversas áreas, desde engenheiros a designers e matemáticos, todos pensando em projetos do futuro. Eles pesquisam novos materiais, combustíveis, formas aerodinâmicas e técnicas de produção, além de estudos voltados para as áreas elétrica e eletrônica. O acesso aos laboratórios só é permitido a super funcionários como engenheiros, designers ou especialistas em computação.

Cars: Best Two Cars in SEMA Show, 2011

Best two prepared cars presented in SEMA Show 2011, October, in Las Vegas, NV.

Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing (1955)
Chevrolet Corvette (1960)

Guns: Defensive Pistol Calibers

While bullets of every caliber are deadly if placed correctly, some are more effective than others.

.40 S&W
The .40 Smith and Wesson. It is almost 2 decades old, yet has become very popular in the USA. With 140 grain bullets, it delivers energy levels matching or exceeding standard .45 ACP cartridges, but in a smaller form factor that allows for subcompact handguns. Fans of the .45 ACP will point out that the bullet diameter of the .40 S&W is 0.05 inches smaller, but given the excellent expansion performance that can be expected from modern hollow point bullets, I’m not concerned by this at all. The higher velocities of .40 S&W bullets (up to 1325 feet per second) compared to the velocities of .45 ACP (around 900 feet per second) also help ensure that the hollow point bullets will expand as they are designed to.
Recoil is brisk due to the higher velocity of the bullets, since the recoil energy is transferred to the shooter’s hands more abruptly than with lower velocity cartridges, but the recoil is not overwhelming.  

.45 ACP
The .45 Automatic Colt Pistol cartridge has been around for nearly a century, and has proven itself an effective self defense caliber.This cartridge fires a relatively heavy bullet at relatively low speeds, which is effective, but does not take advantage of the way a slightly lighter bullet at higher speeds can be more effective, carry more energy, and recoil more softly. Part of the reason for this is the lower chamber pressure, compared to more recently introduced cartridges. 

.45 GAP
The .45 Glock Automatic Pistol cartridge is less than a decade old, and was introduced by Glock as a way to fit a .45 caliber bullet into the frame of a compact pistol, where the .45 ACP would not fit. The result is a cartridge that is shorter in length, and has a higher chamber pressure than the .45 ACP. Performance is similar to the .45 ACP as well, however the price tends to run about 10% – 15% higher than .45 ACP rounds.

Springfield Armory, XD(m) 9mm pistol.

The 9x19MM Parabellum cartridge, like the .45 ACP, has been around since before World War 1. It is a round that originated in Europe, for the Luger pistol, which is why it is measured in millimeters, rather than fractions of an inch. The bullet diameter is the equivalent to .35 caliber. 

.357 Sig
The .357 Sig is is a relatively new, and designed to match the performance of the well respected .357 magnum, but in a cartridge designed for semi-automatic pistols rather than revolvers. It almost lives up to this goal, packing more energy than a .40 S&W or .45 ACP, when 115 grain bullets are used, but falling short on heavier bullets. The 35 caliber bullets it fires can be effective, however I feel that for self defense, the .40 S&W and .45 ACP cartridges’ larger diameter bullets are more effective and less prone to over penetration. The 9MM is less prone to over penetration than the .357 Sig.

.32 ACP
The .32 Automatic Colt Pistol cartridge was introduced in 1899 for use in small, self defense pistols.

Guns: Ammuniton for Pistols

Besides so many ammo manufactures we found this very cool summary table from Magtech, enjoy:

"Existem munições para pistolas com projéteis de chumbo, destinados a treinamento, que têm baixo custo e menor desgaste dos canos das armas, e os encamisados, que podem ser impelidos a velocidades superiores àquelas dos projéteis de chumbo. Já as munições "Silver Point" desenvolvida para o uso profissional e é caracterizada por apresentar desempenho balístico superior.

MuniçãoProjétilBalísticaUtilização / Características
Peso grainsV m/sE JoulesProvete cm
.32 Auto
6ETOG7127617510,2Para arma de pequenas dimensões e fácil porte dissimulado.
7EXPO7127617510,2Projétil expansivo, com mesmo nível de pressão que o ETOG convencional.
.380 Auto
2CHOG Treinamento952882569,5Destinada a treinamento. Reduz o desgaste do cano da arma.
6ETOG952882569,5Projétil de boa penetração, não expansivo.
7EXPO952882569,5Projétil expansivo, com mesmo nível de pressão que o ETOG convencional.
6ETOG +P Silver Point953082939,5Projétil de grande penetração. A versão +P é mais potente que a convencional.
7EXPO +P Silver Point953082939,5Projétil expansivo de boa penetração. A versão +P é mais potente que a convencional.
V (Velocidade) e E (Energia) medidas na boca. Provete (comprimento do cano).

MuniçãoProjétilBalísticaUtilização / Características
Peso grainsV m/sE JoulesProvete cm
.40 SW
1CHPP Treinamento16035565310,2Treinamento e adaptação de atiradores. Reduz o desgaste do cano das armas.
3CSCV16035565310,2Competições de tiro prático.
5ETPP18030052410,2Projétil de grande penetração.
8Frangível12536052510,2Projétil destinado a romper-se facilmente ao impacto com uma superfície dura, reduzindo o máximo a possibilidade de ricochete.
.45 Auto
3CSCV20029054512,7Treinamento e adaptação de atiradores. Para perfeito funcionamento em alguns tipos de arma, pode haver necessidade de adaptação da rampa de alimentação.
6ETOG23025347712,7Projétil de boa penetração para uso das forças armadas e policiais.
9mm Luger
4EXPP Flat9540550610,2Projétil expansivo de alto impacto.
6ETOG11534344010,2Projétil de grande penetração e que funciona com perfeição em qualquer tipo de arma semi-automática.
7EXPO11534944510,2Características balísticas ideais para uso policial.
6ETOG12433244310,2Projétil de grande penetração e que funciona com perfeição em qualquer tipo de arma semi-automática.
2CHOG Treinamento12433244310,2Destinada a treinamento. Reduz o desgaste do cano da arma e inclusive pode ser utilizada em submetralhadoras, pois o nível de pressão permite tanto o tiro semi-automático quanto o automático.
5ETPP Subsônica14730042810,2Destinada a armas equipadas com silenciadores
9Frangível10037044310,2Projétil destinado a romper-se facilmente ao impacto com uma superfície dura, reduzindo ao máximo a possibilidade de ricochete.
V (Velocidade) e E (Energia) medidas na boca. Provete (comprimento do cano).

Guns: Main Ammo Types for handguns

The following basic ammo types are listed in order of armor penetration, best to worst.
AP - Armor Piercing - A hard bullet made from steel or tungsten alloys in a pointed shape typically covered by a thin layer of lead and/or a copper/brass jacket. The lead and jacket are intended to prevent barrel wear from the hard core materials. For gameplay purposes, AP is slightly worse on unarmored targets than FMJ. This is to indicate the hard AP projectiles' tendency not to deform or reliably tumble/yaw.
FMJ - Full Metal Jacket - Made with a lead core surrounded by a full covering of brass, copper, or mild steel. These have very little deformation or expansion, but will occasionally yaw/tumble. FMJ is a good choice when you don't know what you will be fighting or possibly if you will be going up against a mix of armor types.
JSP - Jacketed Soft Point - In the late 1800s, the Indian Army arsenal at Dum Dum, near Calcutta, developed a variation of the FMJ design where the jacket did not cover the nose of the bullet. The soft lead nose was found to still expand in flesh while the remaining jacket still prevented lead fouling in the barrel. For gameplay purposes, JSP is roughly splitting the difference between FMJ and JHP. It gives more penetration than JHP but has more stopping power than the FMJ.
JHP - Jacketed Hollow Point - Soon after the invention of the JSP, Woolwich Arsenal in Great Britain experimented with this design even further by forming a hole or cavity in the nose of the bullet while keeping most of the exterior profile intact. These bullets could theoretically deform even faster and expand to a larger diameter than the JSP. Best used against unarmored targets only, the JHP also has the least over penetration so it is ideal for use around hostages.

Watches: Rolex Crown marks

Rolex Submariner Special Edition Harley Davidson and it's steel crown mark.

Rolex Crown marks and their respective metal that is used in manufacturing.
Detail of the triplock system created in 1926 to ensure professional divers protection.

Watches: Rolex Serial Numbers

A Brief Explanation of the Rolex Serial Numbering System:

Rolex watches feature two sets of identification numbers:
a Serial Number and a Case Reference Number.

On modern Oyster cases (excluding the OysterQuartz),
these numbers are engraved between the lugs,
hidden behind the end pieces (as shown in the images below).

New for 2005, Rolex has started engraving the Case's Serial Number into the
inside edge of the case (at the 6 o'clock position, under the crystal and below the bezel), as
shown in these images, which were taken at BASELWORLD 2005, in Switzerland in early April. A close-up view of the same watch, you can clearly see the Serial Number
"F982176", engraved into the case at the 6 o'clock position, with "ROLEX" engraved
repetitiously around the dial in a circular fashion.

In 1927, Rolex began issuing every Rolex Oyster case a unique serial number to distinguish them from one another. This numbering system was originally believed to have started at 20,000, however earlier numbers have surfaced shooting holes in this theory. Around 1953, the numbers reached the 999,999 mark, at which time Rolex decided against adding a 7th digit, thus continuing into the "millions"--Instead, they started the sequence over. While it was originally believed that this resequence started over at 100,000, or even 20,000, but evidence suggests that it actually restarted at 10,000 or possibly lower.

Around this same time, Rolex had initiated another dating system--They stamped the inside of the case back with a code consisting of a Roman numeral and two numbers. The Roman numerals were I, II, III, IV, which represented which quarter of the year the watch was produced. The numbers simply represented the two-digit year in which the watch was produced. Therefore, the code "III 53" would represent the 3rdquarter (i.e. July-September) of 1953--this code continued until around 1970. Please note, some examples (primarily from around 1959), did feature the Roman Numeral and a 4-digit year (i.e. "ii 1959").

In the early 1960s, Rolex once again reached the 999,999 mark, but this time added a 7th digit and continued into the "millions" until mid 1987, when the numbering reached 9,999,999. At this time, Rolex elected to start numbering with a letter prefix (e.g. R000001).

The system started with the letter "R", whcih was then subsequently followed by L-E-X. Thus spelling out the word "ROLEX" with the "O" being omitted, to help avert any possible confusion with the number "0". This sequence continued through November 1991, when a new numbering system was introduced utilizing the letters N, C and S, which took them through 1993. In 1994, Rolex started yet another sequence with the letters: W, T and U, then A, P, and K in subsequent years, followed by Y, F, D, Z, M, V and then G in 2010.

Please note, during the 1990s and 2000s, it is estimated that Rolex produced around around 1 million watches per year. Coincidentally, the numbering sequence of any particular Letter from this system (e.g. V000001 to V999999), would in fact also be 1 million serial numbers, and worked well with this system. It is worth mentioning that Rolex would not cease a letter prefix run at the end of a given calendar year, but would continue a letter run until all numbers were used before changing the prefix code. Therefore, letter prefixes could end at random times of the year, and did not start or stop at the beginning or end of a calendar year.

Then, later in 2010, they scrapped the entire system and implemented a brand new "Random" numbering system, in which each watch is issued a (unique) 7-digit "Random" number consisting of numbers and letters. An example of this number would be something like "169L7F4". This offers them a seemingly endless numbering system by which they could continue indefinitely. Figuring 7 digits with a possible 36 characters (26 letters and 10 numbers) per digit, gives them over 78 Billion (78,364,164,096 to be exact) possible serial numbers.

The following "Round Numbers" Serial Number List has been comprised of known serial number ranges for the years listed. By checking a particular serial number against this list you should be able to date a watch with reasonable accuracy. However, it is no quarantee as to when your watch was shipped from the factory. Furthermore, this list only applies to Rolex Oyster-cased watches, and should NOT be used for Tudor, or vintage non-Oyster Rolex watches.

The numbers listed (particularly those preceding the letter prefix system) are a "middle number" for the given year. As an example, the year 1944 listed below shows a serial number range of 270000, but this year could include serial numbers below and above this number (i.e. 260000-280000). This is simply the median number represented for that year.

Serial Numbers by Date of Manufacture.
"Round Number" Serial Number List
Serial # ........................Date
20000 .............................1927
22500 .............................1928
25000 .............................1929
26500 .............................1930
28000 .............................1931
28500 .............................1932
29000 .............................1933
32000 .............................1934
35000 .............................1935
37000 .............................1936
40000 .............................1937
55000 .............................1938
71000 .............................1939
90000 .............................1940
106000 .............................1941
150000 .............................1942
230000 .............................1943
270000 .............................1944
302000 .............................1945
400000 .............................1946
529000 .............................1947
570000 .............................1948
600000 .............................1949
650000 .............................1950
700000 .............................1951
800000 .............................1952
900000 ...........................1953
10000 to 300000 .........1953 to 1957
(At this time Rolex started the numbering system back at 10000. This time period also saw the start of the "Roman Numeral" dating system explained above.)
350000 .............................1958
400000 ...........................1959
550000 .............................1960
700000 ...........................1961
800000 .............................1962
900000 ...........................1963
1000000 .............................1964
1200000 ...........................1965
1400000 .............................1966
1600000 ...........................1967
1850000 .............................1968
2300000 ...........................1969
2500000 .............................1970
2900000 ...........................1971
3300000 .............................1972
3750000 ...........................1973
3900000 .............................1974
4250000 ...........................1975
4500000 .............................1976
5000000 .........................1977
5400000 .............................1978
5950000 .........................1979
6400000 .............................1980
7000000 .........................1981
7350000 .............................1982
7750000 .........................1983
8100000 .............................1984
8600000 .........................1985
9000000 .............................1986
9500000 ..........................1987
(Start of the letter prefix system.)
R000001 .........................1987
L000001 .........................1989
E000001 .........................1990
X000001 .........................1991
N000001 .........................1991
C000001 .........................1992
S000001 .........................1993
W000001 .........................1994
T000001 .........................1996
U000001 .........................1997
A000001 .........................1998
P000001 .........................2000
K000001 .........................2001
Y000001 .........................2002
F000001 .........................2003Also started engraving the serial number inside the bezel (under the crystal)
D000001 .........................2005
Z000001 ..........................2006
M000001 ..........................2007
V000001 ..........................2008
G000001 ...................Mid 2010
Random Numbers ....Late 2010 to present