Watches: Horological Excellence Only Rolex Watches

Horology for those who don’t know is the art or science of measuring time. Rolex were founded on the idea of Horological Excellence. In fact the name Rolex its self is a contraction of the phrase “Horological Excellence.” A contraction as you may or may not know is the merging of two syllables of different words, so “Horological” becomes “ROL” and “Excellence” becomes “EX.”
The name was given to these excellent watches and the reliable company who makes them by founder Hans Wilsdorf. In his youth Wilsdorf worked for a Swiss watch maker. The training was essential in his understanding of the product he would eventually take global. In 1905 upon moving to London he intended to make a business offering time pieces that were both well crafted and ultimately, very affordable. Of course his Rolex brand would go on to become particularly high end, which it’s name cleverly defined.